Friday 14 December 2018

Outsource Data Entry - A Smart Choice to Gain Profit

This era of technology has transformed the business process with great innovation and human efforts. Do you know how technology has affected the business processes globally? The answer is “Outsourcing”, it has worked like a magic wand in restructuring the business process comprehensively and turned the proverb “Time is money” into reality.

One of the common factors in Outsourcing is Money since it has proven to be a cost-effective solution to various industries. Data entry is the core of every business and all of them seek Reliable and accurate data. Earlier all the records were manually maintained, whether a business had a 100 or a million records. Let’s talk about Restaurant business, this industry, specifically focus on their customer loyalty and quality services. And managing data in the restaurant business is something that is affecting their core processes because here, there’s a lot of data to be digitized which is not possible to manage solely. In the end, no organization wants to waste their precious time on this hectic day-to-day paperwork and procedures. So outsourcing service providers have made these tasks easier with their comprehensive solutions.

The major reason behind outsourcing data entry is you don’t have to spend much in setting up a new department, invest your efforts and time on any sort of resources. Without harming your business process, you can accurately maintain the productivity, when you partner with a reliable company, it helps you to alleviate your data and administrative burdens with an assurance of achieving the tasks with high quality in a specified time frame.

Let’s take an overview of the advantages of outsourcing data entry task, to get a clear picture of the benefits you can gain with outsourced data entry services:
  • Time is precious. don’t waste it in the work that can be easily managed with outsourcing. When you outsource your data entry task you can save a lot of time- like hiring a professional team, setting up a new infrastructure in these kinds of factors are avoided. You’ll be able to focus on your core activities and improve the productivity of your business.
  • Technology has made things faster and more cost effective. So outsourced data entry task helps you to cut down the expenses and you can utilize that amount in any other innovative business process your firm is planning about, for example, expansion of your business or change in policy or going to develop the infrastructure. You can also uphold your finances and can invest in the stock market for better returns.
  • If you are into healthcare industry or you have a restaurant business, opt for online data entry services; it will consume fewer resources, for instance, you don’t have to fill the sheets or maintain files for recording any sort of data. With the digitizing method, you’ll be having a backup file on your system in a maintained format.
  • In this Modern period of technology, data entry has become the easiest task, which was once the headache for many industries. The third party companies have made it more simple, for example, if you are going to manage the data entry work in-house you need to invest in resources, your time and more efforts, but now your data will be processed under a series of automated tools and it will easily eliminate any repetition of keystrokes in the data.
  • Outsourcing companies have an experienced squad of data entry operators with an in-depth industry knowledge, they’ll help you to overcome the market challenges with the best possible solution.
  • Improper data quality decreases the rate of customer retention and there are many industries that are facing this problem. The global sourcing gives assurance to the company regarding the quality of data.

Final Words - The most common topic discussed among the industries is outsourcing data entry task. Every industry requires reliable and accurate data, as it’s the pragmatic solution to all the problems. Outsourcing the data entry task has brought the concept of paperless work, everything can be digitized. This has not only reduced the administrative burdens but also has become a cost-effective solution.

Data Entry can be a challenging task for your business if you want to save time & money. Let the Cogneesol's data entry team; manage it for you to save valuable time & money.

We are one of the established outsourcing company helping various industry verticals with data processing, form processing, medical data entry, restaurant data entry, real estate data entry, invoice data entry, ecommerce data entry services.

Friday 14 October 2016

How is data mining useful in Healthcare organizations?

Data mining is a term deived from computer science. It means finding new information from already existing data for improving the future processes. It is mostly of three types: pattern recognition, using neutal network and using classification tree.

The amount of data records kept in electronic form in health care organizations is increasing rapidly. Earlier there was a tradition that nurses used to maintain the patient data in the paper form. Now with the emergence of digital technology, this trend has changed. Data is generally stored in the computers now. The most important factor in healthcare data mining services is accuracy as it is attached to patient care.
Health Care Data Mining
Health Care Data Mining Service

Like any other business firm, health care firms are also looking to reduce their operational costs and enhance their customer service. Through data mining a health care organization can learn about the various patterns related to their business. This can help in streamlining the existing business processes and in future planning by building predictive models. There are certain business measures which can prove to be beneficial for a particular department of a health care organization. But data mining is a process which can prove to be beneficial for the business as well as the clients.

Healthcare data mining has the following advantages:

Helpful in preventing corrupt practices- Any frauds committed by the health care employees can be easily detected by using data mining. By ensuring that all the data is maintained properly, you can keep an eye on the performance of every staff member.

Enhances health care services- By utilizing the information derived from data mining, you can identify the risks and discrepancies involved in patient care. The right precautionary measures can be taken in this regard. Through data mining, the best treatments can be recognized.

Through analysis of the symptoms, causes, side effects and treatments can be conducted to recognize the best clinical practices. Offering better treatment to clients will enhance the goodwill of the firm and ensure greater productivity.

Helpful in maintaining old records- By using data mining a health care firm can maintain a record of its history. This will not only help in future planning but also as nostalgia for the founders. It will help in evaluating what had worked for the business in the past and what is required for future success?

Cogneesol is rated among the top healthcare data mining outsourcing companies offering solutions at affordable rates. By utilizing these services a healthcare firm can ensure that the right business practices are followed and a right road map for the future is created. These services can maximize the chances of succeeding in the cut throat business environment. Gain more information by contacting us at or call us at +16466882821.    

Monday 26 September 2016

How to Ensure Data Accuracy in Ecommerce ?

Armchair shopping is the modern selling mantra for all companies that want a larger and larger slice of the market pie. With the exponential boom in handheld Internet-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets, online shopping has increased in prominence, so much so that major retail stores are shunning the brick and mortar scenario and establishing online shopping platforms to maintain sales and conversion levels. This is the very foundation of e-commerce which is now more of a shopping rule than exception. 

However, everything is not so smooth sailing as it seems. Behind every click of the “buy” button lies painstaking Ecommerce Data Entry to highlight products and maintain inventory levels. Without the highest possible accuracy levels in this regard, all e-commerce efforts will come to naught. But do the e-commerce platforms have the time or inclination to keep the site as precise as possible through data entry? The answer is an emphatic NO. It is because most e-commerce sites have thousands of products if it is a specific company store and hundreds of sellers with thousands of products each if it is a generalized e-commerce platform. 

If there is one foolproof method that can ensure data accuracy in the e-commerce environment, it is through a decision to outsource data entry. Top of the online data entry agencies have the required professional expertise and experienced and trained data entry staff to make sure that all entries made are absolutely precise and accurate in all respects. 

What then are the facets of e-commerce that must be optimized by accurate data entry –

•    Product Description – This is the first point of contact between a potential customer and e-commerce site and hence data entry agencies put special emphasis on this. The product must be described accurately so that there is no discrepancy between what is shown on the site and described and what the customer ultimately receives. Any inaccuracies here can spell disaster for the site. To preempt any such possibility, data entry agencies often add a footnote as a warning regarding the color or specifications which might change in updated versions of an item.

•    Product Cost – Data entry agencies take special pains to ensure the accuracy of the cost of the product including discounts if any. Many platforms have multiple sellers of the same product and the costs offered by each of them are given in great detail. This too must be accurate as any decision of a customer to buy is largely based on this. At the point of checkout too, the breakup of the total price including delivery charges have to match with what is shown initially in the product description.  

•    Customer details – It is here that e-commerce data entry is put to the greatest test. Customers have their details stored in the system when they initially open an account on an e-commerce site. For data entry to be accurate data must also have value and be unambiguous. Take the address of a customer. It can be deemed to be correct only when the data entered in the database is correct right down to the last detail of Street Name, Zip Code and State. Data quality will falter if any of these are not correct. When you outsource data entry, professionals will make sure that the basic data entry and quality is rigidly implemented.  

•    Setting measurable goals by data entry agencies – Top agencies have layers of systems that ensure that all data entered is accurate. At most times, data is set off against entries of one or more operators. Any error by one is easily identifiable when a matching entry is made by another. These agencies have their own accuracy level goals which are generally in the 95% to 99% category. The 5% to 1% margin for inaccuracies is largely due to manufacturers or sellers failing to update product information and not due to the fault of the agencies.  

•    Avoiding data decay – Even though data might have been accurate when entered they tend to become inaccurate over time causing loss to the e-commerce participants on a platform. These are generally customer related and may include change in address, telephone number or marital status. This is known as data decay and is a major reason for errors in implementing definite delivery solutions. Hence, when customers update their records, data entry agencies act quickly to streamline the database so that it is precise and revised correctly.   

Hence the best solution for data entry accuracy is to outsource the task to professional agencies and derive maximum benefits for your e-commerce site.  

One of the leaders in the field of e-commerce data entry service provider is Cogneesol. Our team of professionals is trained to deliver consistent results guaranteeing high degrees of accuracy and data security. For top of the line data entry services, write to us at or call +1 646-688-2821 (USA).     

Friday 23 September 2016

How do you get Data Mining services outsourced from genuine companies?

Data mining is an important function in every commercial enterprise. It helps in maintaining the data required for possessing the required business intelligence for future planning and customer relationship management. But this function generally gets ignored due to over preference given to core functions like production and marketing. For small scale business scale ventures it becomes very difficult to employ their staff on data mining and they prefer innovative solutions like outsourcing.  
Data Mining Services

But selecting the right Outsourcing Data Mining Services is not a simple process. Following steps can be followed for achieving this goal:

Conducting research on Internet- Performing an elementary research on search engines like Google and Yahoo will offer you various options on websites like Upwork, Freelancer, Linkedin etc. From here you can shortlist the service providers which can fulfill your requirements.  

Go through the website- You must carefully study the website of the company and information presented on it. The way in which they have presented themselves will offer an insight regarding efficiency. If the company name and information presented is eye catching then it is an indicator that the company is being run in a professional manner. 

Costs- The remuneration charged by the outsourcing firm must be affordable and below the rates in the local market. Only then hiring these services is justifiable. 

Portfolio and reviews- You must go through the portfolio and reviews of the company carefully. These are an excellent indicator of the expertise in performing the client duties and the customer service they offer. This will help you in evaluating whether they can fulfill your requirements or not. You can also take the advice of friends and relatives who are experienced in this regard.    

ISO certification- Company ISO certification is definitely more reliable than a normal company. So this factor must be checked carefully. 

Study the contract obligations- Before entering in to a contract or making the final decision, you must carefully go through the contractual obligations. If they don’t suit you then you should not proceed further.   You must only select the services whose contractual conditions suit you.  

Give preference to free trial option- Hiring the services of companies offering free trial is a better option. It offers you the opportunity to withdraw in case services are not up to the mark.

Cogneesol is among the best providers of outsourced data mining services like web data mining services, data mining financial services etc to global business ventures. To get more information, contact us at or call us at +16466882821.           

Wednesday 17 August 2016

What Kind of Data Entry Services Can You Outsource?

With business world becoming remarkably data-driven, businesses are making an attempt to efficiently cater to data entry demands. Data entry and data processing services, being long-term and continuous procedures, demand specialized efforts, sufficient man-hours and constant access to human resources. 

Given that, in-house data entry and processing simply cannot always be feasible for businesses to establish a different infrastructure or perhaps seek the services of specialized assets, lots of firms Outsource Data Entry services. These kinds of data entry service providers are backed up with dependable and empowered data entry experts that bear executional skills & project delivery expertise, and account management abilities supported with flexibility and scalability. 
Outsource Data entry Services

Various Kinds of Data Entry Services

Data entry needs differ in accordance with the business, thereby, prior to starting the search for a reputable data entry outsourcing company, make sure it suits your business objectives and goals. For an example – In the healthcare sector, the focus is invariably on medical bills, drugstore invoices as well as insurance claims processing. 

Let’s look into a few of the data entry tasks which are usually outsourced to specialized data entry companies: 

Bill/Invoice Processing Services: Bills and invoice processing services will be to very beneficial for businesses like retail, logistics, real estate, and so on. As a matter of fact, a lot of outsourcing companies offer ancillary accounting services such as accounts payable and receivable and back it with bills as well as invoice processing. This provides an entire picture of the financial situation and even guarantees consistent capital flow. 

Data Cleansing: Data cleansing is among those crucial tasks that must be outsourced without the need of delays. It relates to changing, modifying and getting rid of wrong, unwanted or incorrectly entered data. This bad data may have crept in at one time or another in the database, resulting in extreme consequences. Nevertheless, whenever the database is cleansed, you can be certain that cleansing the bad data will assist the good data to exhibit anticipated results. 

Form Data Entry: Document/form data entry generally consists of printed as well as handwritten data. Data entry experts enter the information from these kinds of hard-copies into formats which additionally enable effortless report generation. A lot of outsourcing companies particularly when they are offshore are going to key in incremental data submitted by you towards the end of the day and have the reports prepared the following day morning, benefiting from the big difference in the time zone. 

ECommerce Data Entry: Ecommerce data entry regardless of whether you are a recognized firm conducting business online, or perhaps about to enter into the eCommerce area. Making use of catalogs for product presentation is essential for updating customers regarding your products and attracting direct marketing. Effectual online catalog enables you to categorize your products and facilitates product descriptions and photographs, consequently assisting you to increase your eCommerce store’s performance. Catalog data entry, Catalog conversion, together with data processing services from catalog processing specialists can take your paper flyers, product manuals, etc. and key in the data into an online catalog. Additionally, they can put the products in the appropriate categories/sub-categories as well as present your product images alongside, artistically. 

The majority of the outsourcing data entry companies focus on the numerous data entry and processing demands. These firms carry the necessary assets and advanced technologies, which additionally empowers them to provide impeccable data entry solutions. Furthermore, they normally use FTP for file transfer, subsequently ensuring data protection.

Monday 25 July 2016

Managing Data is Super Easy Now. Outsource Data Entry !

Outsourcing of data entry services is an awesome and economical way of managing the data in a very personalized manner. Data is the foundation of any business; however, this is often genuinely tiresome and complicated to manage large volume of data. A nicely personalized data is critical in order to make a quick decision and keep up an excellent business relation.

Idea Of Outsourcing:

Outsourcing data entry implies assigning data entry relevant tasks to a Business Outsourcing Company so as to get work completed at highly economical prices. Outsourcing comes with its own benefit; one is able to pay attention to their primary tasks. 
Data Entry
Whom to Outsource Data Entry? 

Deciding on a dependable data outsourcing company is an essential task, it’s regarding trust and skills, before outsourcing any kind of crucial project, check in for expertise and the earlier work performed by them. Request professional qualification, their project details, preferably sign up for a personal meeting and pay a visit to them yourself. Request for few sample tasks. 

Cogneesol is a leading outsourcing company providing excellent data entry services, data extraction, data cleansing, Data Mining, and Data Management Services. With a pool of skilled and committed experts, Cogneesol can provide you with highly economical and round the clock dependable services. 

Outsource to Cogneesol for:    

•    Trustworthy data entry
•    Round the clock support
•    Effective communication
•    Sound ROI
•    Well managed data
•    Improved efficiency
•    Quick business decision
•    Economize time and cash
•    Accessibility to talent
•    Most up-to-date software and technologies
•    Can pay attention to core tasks 

3 Major Reasons Why to Outsource:

Cut back huge on expense of labor: In countries such as Europe and the United States, the charges for labor is extremely high and presenting light to these specifics, outsourcing is quite helpful. By outsourcing, it is possible to look forward to an overall saving of more than 60% on the entire expense of the project.
24/5 services: With the excellent benefits of outsourcing, you can make sure an ideal 24/5 support. This will assist you to dominate your competition and uphold a formidable connection with clients. 

Access to tremendously competent experts: This is one of the major advantages of outsourcing, since it is a wonderful solution to obtain access to proficient professionals at very economical prices. Countries like India are the hub of an exceptionally skilled and qualified workforce. You can count on quick round the time delivery and consistent availability.

Planning to outsource data entry? Get in touch with Cogneesol today at +1 646-688-2821 and obtain access to our experts who’ll ensure 100% accuracy and timely delivery.